Site map
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- Management
- Scientific Reseacher PhD Claudiu Roman
- SR PhD Dumitrela Diaconu
- Laborant II drd. Radu Alexandru Brunchi
- ACS dr. Aurelian Cârlescu
- Scientific Researcher III PhD
- Dr. Roxana Patraș, Senior Researcher (I)
- CS III Dr. Maria Moruz
- SR PhD Strungaru-Jijie Roxana
- Job announcements
- University Professor habil. Iuliana-Gabriela BREABAN
- University Professor habil. Cecilia ARSENE
- University Professor
- Universitary Professor
- Secretary Florentina RUSU
- Conferences
- Laboratory of environmental economics investigation and analysis
- Laboratory of environmatic
- Laboratory for the investigation of physico-chemical processes from atmosphere and for testing new ecological technologies for gaseous pollutants sinks
- Laboratory of bio-monitoring and bioremediation of environmental quality
- Laboratory of physico-chemical analyses
- Archeophysics laboratory
- Laboratory of applied and theoretical archeology
- Scientific Researcher PhD Cristina Coromelci
- Scientific Researcher PhD Oana-Elena Chelariu
- Scientific Researcher III PhD Ioana-Miruna Balmuș
- Scientific Researcher III PhD Elena-Andreea Maftei
- Senior Researcher III PhD Ștefan Adrian Strungaru
- Senior Researcher III PhD Marius Dobromir
- Senior Researcher III PhD Alexandru Strugariu
- Senior Researcher III PhD Loredana Brînză Ţepes
- Senior Researcher II PhD Cristina Elena Ciomaga
- Scientific Researcher III PhD Isabela-Ștefania Budacă-Dragomir
- Researcher Assistent Iulia Cătălina Pleșca
- Senior Researcher III PhD Irina Şchiopu
- Senior Researcher III PhD Cristian Ionuț Stelea
- PhD Researcher Carmen Oana Tărniceriu
- Scientific Researcher Bianca Elena Aramă
- Senior Researcher Adrian Felix Tencariu
- Senior Researcher I PhD. Alina Asandei
- Senior Researcher PhD. habil. Mariana Neamțu
- Scientific Researcher Simona-Roxana Ulman
- Laboratory tehnician Alexandra Petronela Stoleriu
- Scientific Researcher PhD Laurențiu- Valentin Șoroagă
- Scientific Researcher PhD Tiberiu Roman
- University Professor Romeo-Iulian Olariu
- Researcher Assistent Alina-Giorgiana Negru
- Scientific Researcher Ramona Năstuță (Huzum)
- Researcher Assistent Gabriela Mihalache
- Scientific Researcher III Ilarion Mihăilă
- Scientific Researcher III Florin-Constantin Mihai
- Scientific Researcher III Violeta Mangalagiu
- Researcher Assistent Marina Iosub
- Scientific Researcher PhD Ioana Cristina Gerber
- Researcher Assistent Maria-Magdalena Fusu (Dascălu)
- Scientific Researcher Andrei Enea
- Scientific Researcher II PhD habil. Corneliu Doroftei
- Senior Researcher Cătălina-Ionica Ciobanu
- Scientific Researcher Cristina Căutișanu
- Scientific Researcher II PhD Andreea Georgiana Bulai
- SR PhD Elena-Diana Bobric
- Scientific Researcher Iustinian Gabriel Bejan
- Laboratory chemist Cornelia Amarandei
- Ing. Minea Stefan
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- Secretar: Silvia-Maria CARP
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- Scientific Researcher I Phd Valentina Diana Rusu
- CS II dr. Simona Mitroiu
- CS II dr. Mihaela Mocanu
- CS III dr.Mihai-Bogdan Atanasiu
- CS II dr. Mădalina-Andreea Ungureanu
- CS III dr. Liviu Petcu
- CS III dr. Laura Pricop
- CS dr. Irina Chiriac
- ACS dr. Iosif Tamaș
- Scientific Researcher III PhD Iosif Camară
- ACS dr. Ioan Ciprian Bursuc
- CS III dr. Emanuel Grosu
- CS dr. Delia-Elena Diaconașu
- ACS dr. Constantin Rachita
- CS III dr. Constantin-Ionuț Mihai
- Scientific Researcher II PhD Ciprian Jeler
- CS II dr. Aurelian-Petruș Plopeanu
- SR II PhD. Habil. Ana Iolanda VODĂ
- CS II dr. Ana-Maria Gînsac
- Senior Researcher II PhD Andreea Mironescu
- CS III dr. Anca-Diana Bibiri
- ACS dr. Ioan Ciprian Bursuc
- CS III dr. Andrei Constantin Sălăvăstru
- CS dr. Ana Catană-Spenchiu
- Scientific Researcher II PhD Iulia Dumitrache
- CS II dr. Andrei Asăndulesei
- CS III dr. Alin Mihu-Pintilie
- CS III dr Florica Mățău
- CS II dr. Viorica Vasilache
- ACS dr. Radu Ștefan Balaur
- Scientific Researcher PhD Casandra Brașoveanu
- Senior Researcher III PhD ALINA MOROȘANU
- About
- Mission
- Reference documents
- Senior Researcher II PhD Vasile Tiron
- Dr. Sorin Tascu
- Dr. Mihai Alexandru Ciolan
- CS dr. Honcu Ana
- Senior Researcher II PhD Florin Tudorache
- Dr. Felicia Gheorghiu
- Dr. Eugen Mirel Oniciuc
- Dr. Alicia Petronela Rambu
- Molecular biophysics and medical physics
- RAMTECH Center
- Environmental Sciences
- Arheoinvest Center
- The Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences
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