Senior Researcher III PhD. Alina Moroșanu
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Areas of expertise:
- Statistical Analysis
- Surveys
- Bibliometric analysis
- Healthcare management analytics
- Human resources analytics
- Project management
Scientific profile:
- Email: alina.morosanu@uaic.ro
CS III Alina Moroșanu is a senior researcher at the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. She has a PhD in Cybernetics and Economic Statistics, awarded in 2011 at the same university. Her research interest include: questionnaires development, healthcare management, project management, statistical analysis, statistical software (R, SPSS), human resources analytics. She participated to several training mobility in the country and abroad. Her contributions are reflected in published articles and books, participation and organization of scientific events, etc.