Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Director of department: Senior Researcher Mihai-Bogdan ATANASIU

The Department of Social Sciences and Humanities (DSU) is part of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research (ICI) created in 2019 as a structure of excellence in research, subject to the University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iași (UAIC). The development and the activity of the researchers from the fields of humanities and social sciences (Letters, Philosophy, Economics, Sociology, History, Theology) began, though, within different institutional structures, almost two decades ago, period during which they have shown that they have fulfilled their mission to put forward and research, both at individual and group level, relevant topics that yielded significant results.

The creation of ICI gave new breath to the research in the fundamental fields of UAIC, pushing the specialists from humanities and social sciences towards approaches of a multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary nature. In this context, the mission of DSU is to stimulate and give value to excellence in research, to broadcast and share high-level knowledge, to enhance institutional reputation, to take part in projects and collaborations with prestigious institutions, to provide a professional framework for the development and academic improvement for those who wish to pursue a career in research.

In an environment developed on solid principles, of competency, meritocracy, collegiality, stability and predictibility, the research activity at DSU answers the challenges that humanities and social sciences are confronted with today, harmonizing the demands expressed by the legitimate institutional, national and European strategies of each researcher.

Senior Researcher Mihai-Bogdan ATANASIU

Director of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

MEMBERS OF the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities