Scientific Researcher III PhD Mihaela Asăndulesei
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Domenii de interes:
- Etnoarchaeology
- Cultural Anthropology
- Anthropology of Salt
- Toponomastics
- Spatial analysis
- Etnography
- Intangible Cultural Heritage
Profil științific:
- Email: mihaela.asandulesei@uaic.ro
Mihaela Asăndulesei is a scientific researcher III in the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. She completed her PhD studies in History in 2017. She has been a member of several research projects with national funding (2014-2022), and during her doctoral studies she also received two scholarships (one doctoral and one Erasmus, Ianus II project). Her main research areas are: ethnoarchaeology, toponomastics, cultural anthropology of salt and interdisciplinary research methods in archaeology. She is directly interested in the complex analysis of the relationships between natural resources, archaeological data, historical data and the behavior of human communities, as well as in the comparative study of historical, toponymic, linguistic information and that resulting from her own ethnographic investigations. In terms of research valorization, she has published, individually and in collaboration, several articles in journals indexed in international databases or conference proceedings, published by prestigious international publishers or indexed by Web of Science. She has also co-edited a volume of studies at an international publisher and participated in numerous symposia, colloquia and congresses organised both in Romania and abroad.