Junior researcher III dr. Iosif Camară
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Areas of expertise:
- Romanian Philology
- History of Romanian Language
- Old Romanian Literature and Culture
- Paleography
- Biblical Studies
Scientific profile:
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3976-0424
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ro/citations?user=MeuYSnEAAAAJ&hl=ro
- Email: iosif.camara@uaic.ro
Iosif Camară is a junior researcher at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Department, The Centre of Biblical-Philological Studies “Monumenta linguae Dacoromanorum”). Volumes: Lord’s Prayer in Romanian. Historical and philological study (2020), Translation Practices of Proper Names in Pre-Modern Romanian Writing (1780-1830) (2017) (author of the philological study of the corpus), Monumenta linguae Dacoromanorum. Biblia 1688 (2014-2015) (co-author and editor of several volumes). Studies and reviews in philological journals such as Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Biblicum Jassyense, Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Organizer of the Symposium “Exploring the Romanian and European Biblical Traditions” and editor of the Conference proceedings. Postdoctoral researcher (2013-2015) on the subject Linguistic Aspects of Romanian Shepherding in the Western Carpathians. Teaching associate for several semesters at the Faculty of Letters, UAIC (seminars on linguistics and the history of literary Romanian). Founding member (2010- ) and vice-president (2017- ) of the Romanian Association of Philology and Biblical Hermeneutics.