Scientific Researcher II dr. Sorin TAȘCU
Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, RAMTECH Center
Areas of expertise:
- nonlinear optics
- integrated optics
- proton exchanged waveguides
- clean-room technics for materials processing
Scientific profile:
- Email: sorin.tascu@uaic.ro
The research activities of Dr. Sorin TAȘCU focus in particular the nonlinear optics, integrated optics, fabrication and characterization of nonlinear optical devices. Research activity is mainly concentrated on the fabrication and characterization of integrated optics devices based on nonlinear processes.
He has an extensive expertise fabrication and characterization of nonlinear optical devices on periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) and large expertise in clean-room fabrication technics and materials processing for integrated nonlinear optics and photonics. More generally, his research interests are in materials fabrication and characterization for functional applications.