Scientific Researcher III Florica Mățău
Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, ARHEOINVEST Center
Areas of expertise:
- archaeology
- archaeometry
- technology
- Chalcolithic
- Bronze Age
Scientific profile:
- Email: florica.matau@uaic.ro
Florica Mățău (0000-0002-9971-7997) is a resercher at ICI-UAIC, Science Department, Arheoinvest Center. She defended her PhD in archaeology investigating Metallurgy and society at the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age in the Lower Danube region at the Faculty of History (UAIC) and her postdoctoral studies at the Faculty of Physics (UAIC) exploring the potential of various physical methods in the analysis of Cucuteni pottery technology.
In her studies, she follows an archaeometric approach in the investigation of the various crafts (e.g. metallurgy, pottery, textiles) practiced during the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age periods in eastern Romania. Her research with a strong interdisciplinary bias aims to explore various aspects related to creativity, diversity, adaptation and cross-craft interactions which characterizes the various technological sequences applied by the prehistoric artisans.
By integrating traditional archaeological and various archaeometric methods in the analysis of ordinary and exotic artefacts, she addresses issues regarding the extent of the various craft production and exchange systems practiced by the prehistoric communities.