cernesim CENTER
Coordinator : Professor PhD habil. Costică MIHAI
INTEGRATED CENTRE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE STUDIES IN THE NORTH EAST REGION/CERNESIM, 11 Carol I, 700506, Iasi, Romania. The CERNESIM Center performs integrated environmental research studies and assesses the anthropic impact on climate change at regional level.
Through its organizational structure and infrastructure, the CERNESIM Centre enables an integrated systemic approach of various environmental issues for a better understanding of the natural and social phenomena occurring in the environment, involving climate change by following causes and impacts, prevention and mitigation of unwanted changes in the environment at both long- and medium-term levels. The CERNESIM Centre of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi is a research unit structured in 5 research laboratories: L1 Laboratory of physico-chemical analyses; L2 Laboratory of bio-monitoring and bioremediation of environmental quality; L3 Laboratory for the investigation of physico-chemical processes from atmosphere and for testing new ecological technologies for gaseous pollutants sinks; L4 Laboratory of environmatic; L5 Laboratory of environmental economics investigation and analysis.
L1. Laboratory of physico-chemical analyses;
L2. Laboratory of bio-monitoring and bioremediation of environmental quality;
L3. Laboratory for the investigation of physico-chemical processes from atmosphere and for testing new ecological technologies for gaseous pollutants sinks;
L4. Laboratory of environmatic;
L5. Laboratory of environmental economics investigation and analysis.
5. Scientific context and relevance
The ability to predict the behaviour of pollutants in the environment in different contexts (calamities, accidental pollution) and time periods (hours, years) can bring great benefits to society and the economy. Pollutant monitoring programs running at international level aim at assessing their level in air, water and soil. At European level, precise and sufficiently comprehensive information on the distribution of many pollutants is collected and stored. Unfortunately, Romania’s contribution to the achievement of the European Atlas presenting the synoptic picture of the concentration of pollutants in the environment throughout Europe is almost insignificant, unsystematic and arrhythmic. This action is vital to the efforts of the European nations, which is also underlined in the Paris 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference. Trustworthy, objective and highly reliable data at European level should be provided to the local, national and European community in terms of the identified and quantified species. This will allow responsible actors to take appropriate action and to ensure that the population is correctly and in time informed on the real state of the environment. The enormous diversity of pollutants in all compartments of the environment makes their identification, quantification and control as complex and diverse as their huge number. The CERNESIM Centre, through its facilities, in a unique assembly at national and Eastern European level, can provide new data on the distribution of pollutants characteristic for the north-eastern region of Romania. CERNESIM can help increase the quality of environmental research. The newly created laboratories provide researchers suitable tools to carry out analyses, studies and simulations on environmental issues such as pollution levels, to investigate the applicability of clean technologies, investments and environmental projects, and the economic modelling of environmental processes.
Professor Costică MIHAI
Coordinator of CERNESIM Center
Membrii centrului:
- Laboratory tehnician Cornelia Amarandei
- Scientific Researcher II Iustinian Gabriel Bejan
- Scientific Researcher Elena-Diana Bobric
- Scientific Researcher II Andreea Georgiana Bulai
- Scientific Researcher III Cristina Căutișanu
- Scientific Researcher III Cătălina-Ionica Ciobanu
- Scientific Researcher II habil. Corneliu Doroftei
- Scientific Researcher Maria-Magdalena Fusu (Dascălu)
- Scientific Researcher Ioana Cristina Gerber
- Scientific Researcher II Violeta Mangalagiu
- Scientific Researcher III Florin-Constantin Mihai
- Scientific Researcher III Ilarion Mihăilă
- Scientific Researcher III Gabriela Mihalache
- Scientific Researcher Ramona Năstuță (Huzum)
- Scientific Researcher Alina-Giorgiana Negru
- Scientific Researcher Claudiu Roman
- Scientific Researcher Tiberiu Roman
- Laboratory tehnician Alexandra Petronela Stoleriu
- Scientific Researcher Laurențiu- Valentin Șoroagă
- Scientific Researcher III Simona-Roxana Ulman
Teaching staff associated with the coordination of laboratories:
- Professor Cecilia ARSENE
- Professor Ionel MANGALAGIU
- Professor Liviu LEONTE
- Associate professor Naela COSTICA
- Associate professor Iuliana-Gabriela BREABAN
- Professor Costică MIHAI