Scientific researcher PHD Casandra Brașoveanu
Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, ARHEOINVEST Center
Areas of expertise:
- landscape archeology
- environmental archeology
- GIS spatial analysis
Scientific profile:
- Email: casandra.brasoveanu@uaic.ro
Casandra Brașoveanu is an archaeologist interested in the prehistoric periods of South-Eastern Europe, with special focus on the interdisciplinary investigations of prehistoric settlements. Her research is oriented towards landscape archaeology and environmental archaeology, having as main tasks GIS spatial analyses, in order to enhance the archaeological interpretation and help understanding past communities and behaviors. Currently, she is a PhD student at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Faculty of History, with a research regarding the interdisciplinary study of the Late Bronze Age period in the Jijia river catchment (NE Romania), in particular, the habitation practices specific to Noua culture’s communities.