grupul Biofizică moleculară și fizică medicală

Direcţii de cercetare

Tehnici utilizate

Electrofiziologie, ‘peptide engineering’, spectroscopie şi microscopie de fluorescenţă, reconstrucţia sistemelor lipidice auto-organizate (BLM, LUV, SUV, MLV).

Echipamente şi tehnici relevante

Amplificatoare patch-clamp (HEKA and Molecular Devices)
Electrometre pentru electrofiziologie celulara (Harvard Apparatus, Keithley)
Amplificatoare pentru masuratori de potential electric intra- si extracelular (DP-301, IE-210, Harvard Apparatus)
Mese anti-vibratii, prevazute cu sisteme de ecranare elm (HEKA, ThorLabs)
Spectrofluorimetru FluoroMax-4 (Horiba Jobin Yvon)
Sistem integrat de achizitii si post-procesare imagini microscopie sCMOS (Neo-Andor Technology)
Microscop pentru epi-fluorescenţa Axiovert 40 CFL (Zeiss)
Spectrofotometru UV-VIS (Ocean Optics)
Echipamente de termostatare Peltier, pentru BLM şi microscopie  (Harvard Apparatus)
PIP 5 pipette puller (HEKA)
Micromanipulator ultra-precis (0.1 micro-M) motorizat (HEKA)
‘Nanoliter injector’ (Harvard Apparatus)
‘Liposomes-manufacturing items’ (sonicator, sistem de cromatografie de excludere, generatoare de semnal, Avanti Mini-Extruder)
Tehnologii National Instruments (software şi hardware)
Instalatie pentru masuratori de spectroscopie de impedanta
Microscoape inversate

Publicaţii selectate

  1. Loredana Mereuţă, Alina Asandei, Tudor Luchian, Meet me on the other side: trans-bilayer modulation of a model voltage-gated ion channel activity by membrane electrostatics asymmetry, PLoS One, 2011, 6(9): e25276. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025276
  2. Alina Asandei, Aurelia Apetrei, Yoonkyung Park, Kyung-Soo Hahm, Tudor Luchian, Investigation of Single-Molecule Kinetics Mediated by Weak Hydrogen-Bonds Within a Biological Nanopore, Langmuir, 2011, 27 (1), 19-24
  3. Aurelia Apetrei, Alina Asandei, Yoonkyung Park, Kyung-Soo Hahm, Mathias Winterhalter, Tudor Luchian, Unimolecular study of the interaction between the outer membrane protein OmpF from E. coli and an analogue of the HP(2–20) antimicrobial peptide, Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2010, 42(2), pp. 173-180
  4. Loredana Mereuţă, Tudor Luchian, Yoonkyung Park, Kyung-Soo Hahm,The modulatory role played by lipids unsaturation upon the membrane interaction and translocation of an analogue (HPA3) of the HP(2–20) antimicrobial peptide, Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2009, 41, 79-84
  5. Tudor Luchian, Loredana Mereuţă, Phlorizin- and 6-Ketocholestanol-Mediated Antagonistic Modulation of Alamethicin Activity in Phospholipid Planar Membranes, Langmuir, 2006, 22, 8452-8457