arheoinvest center
Coordinator of the Center: Lecturer Andrei Asăndulesei
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In the search for innovative answers within the investigation of past societies, the Arheoinvest Centre brings together expertise from many fields, including Archaeology, History, Archaeometry, Anthropology, Geography, Biology, etc. Founded in 2006 as a result of a research grant, the Platform for Training and Interdisciplinary Research in Archaeology (Arheoinvest) was intended for establishing new contacts and collaborations with all those who can and want to contribute to the progress of archaeological research through interdisciplinarity. Dedicated to interdisciplinarity and pluridisciplinarity issues (uniformization of language, explanation of terms, etc.), the platform was structured into five laboratories, each with multiple sections: Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Archaeology, Laboratory of Bioarchaeology, Laboratory of Geoarchaeology, Laboratory of Archaeophysics, Laboratory for Scientific Investigation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Assets.
These laboratories, as well as their subsequent activity, represented the scaffold on which, several years later, the Arheoinvest Centre was shaped, as constituent of the Science Department within the ICI of UAIC. Currently, Arheoinvest comprises nine researchers, as direct employees, working alongside other researchers and professors from the University.
- Arheoinvest uses state-of-the-art research methodologies and equipment for the interdisciplinary investigation of our past.
- Arheoinvest uses prospecting archaeological sites in order to enlighten, through different geophysical methods, soil physical abnormalities, due to the presence of archaeological data, which modifies the soil’s geophysical properties (electrical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility etc.)
- Arheoinvest initiates and administers small- and large-scale surveys of archaeological landscapes through archaeological excavations.
- Arheoinvest members study a broad range of technologies, behaviours and artefact types from prehistory to the contemporary past, through archaeometry, experimental archaeology and etnoarchaeology approaches.
- Arheoinvest members integrate research and teaching on prehistory, archaeology and interdisciplinary approaches.
- Arheoinvest have a good track record in attracting research grants from governmental and international funding sources.
The ARHEOINVEST center consists of five laboratories:
1.Laboratory of applied and theoretical archeology
2. Bioarchaeology laboratory
3. Geoarchaeology laboratory
4. Archeophysics laboratory
5. The interdisciplinary laboratory for scientific investigation and conservation of Cultural Heritage assets
Center members:
- Research Assistant Radu Ștefan Balaur
- Scientific Researcher Casandra Brașoveanu
- Scientific Researcher Ana Drob
- Scientific Researcher II Iulia Dumitrache
- Scientific Researcher Ana Honcu
- Scientific Researcher III Florica Mățău
- Scientific Researcher III Alin Mihu-Pintilie
- Senior Researcher II Felix-Andrian Tencariu
- Scientific Researcher II Viorica Vasilache