Scientific Researcher II PhD Iulia Dumitrache

Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, ARHEOINVEST Center 

Areas of expertise:

Scientific profile:


Iulia Dumitrache is currently Researcher III at the “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, ICI – Arheoinvest Center.

Her scientific profile comprises several fields of research. Even if the most consistent part of her research is linked to Roman economic history, the underlying level of her expertise is represented by Roman social and military history. Most of her work involves prosopographic investigation as the main research method. Her investigations are concerned with the officials of the imperial cult, the traders in Roman Empire, the Roman military personnel and its connection to local people.

Her expertize also includes Latin epigraphy, with focus on occupational epigraphy and field archaeology, being a member of the archaeological team from Micia (Vețel, Hunedoara county).