Scientific Researcher Andrei Enea

Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, CERNESIM Center

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Scientific profile:


PhD Andrei Enea is a scientific researcher at L4-CERNESIM-ICI and he obtained the PhD in Geography, in 2017, at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania. PhD Andrei Enea’s research interests are related to GIS (Geographic Informational Sistems), hydrology, remote sensing, drone piloting, and land use analysis. The research directions focus on performing vector and raster analyses at different spatial scales, flood modeling, quantifying flood risk (and other phenomena), satellite images analyses, or using aerial drone photography for modeling using SFM (Structure From Motion) techniques, generating terrain models, performing analyses related to land use, land cover and their dynamics. Piloting drones and data manipulation of the resulting images is another interest research area to PhD Andrei Enea.