Department of Exact Sciences
and Natural Sciences

Director department: Senior Researcher I PhD habil. Alina ASANDEI

Site web: http://www.science.research.uaic.ro/?lang=en

DEPARTMENT OF EXACT SCIENCES AND NATURAL SCIENCES, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi aims to contribute consistently in promoting the excellence in education and research in our University. Based upon its values, such as integrity, excellence in research and scientific relevance, as well as the quality of our human resources, this department offers first and foremost credibility and respectability regarding the scientific endeavor undertaken in our University.

Based on these pillars, the long-term goals of the Science Research Department, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, are:

THE DEPARTMENT OF EXACT SCIENCES AND NATURAL SCIENCES has in its composition three distinct Research Centers, namely: the Platform for Interdisciplinary Training and Research in Archeology (“ARHEOINVEST Center”), the Integrated Center for Studies in Environmental Science for the North-East Region (“CERNESIM Center”) and the Center for Research in the Field of Advanced Materials and Technologies (“RAMTECH Center”) as well as two Research Groups: the Molecular Biophysics Group and the Environmental Sciences Group, respectively. The three centers are led by a Research Center Director, and the research groups are coordinated by a Group Coordinator.

Senior Researcher I PhD habil. Alina ASANDEI

Director of Science Research Department

MEMBERS OF THE Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences

Research centers and groups


The ARHEOINVEST center consists of five laboratories, each laboratory having several sections. The main research directions of the Arheoinvest center are: History, Archeology, Archaeometry, Anthropology, Botany, Zoology, Molecular Genetics, Physical Geography, Environmental Geography, Soil Sciences, Geology, Geochemistry.


The CERNESIM Centre enables an integrated systemic approach of various environmental issues for a better understanding of the natural and social phenomena occurring in the environment, involving climate change by following causes and impacts, prevention and mitigation of unwanted changes in the environment at both long- and medium-term levels.


The RAMTECH Center develops basic and applied research in advanced materials science with particular emphasis in the fields of integrated nonlinear optics and photonics, plasma-assisted thin films deposition, plasma diagnostics, photovoltaics materials, multi-functional ceramic materials, sensor materials and devices.

Environmental Sciences

The main interests of the Environmental Sciences Research Group include a holistic approach of research on multidisciplinary fields that integrates the chemical, biological, physical, biogeochemical, mathematical and computational, as well as the earth sciences (geology, mineralogy, soil).