Scientific Researcher Alina-Giorgiana Negru
Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, CERNESIM Center
Areas of expertise:
- atmospheric chemistry
- atmospheric aerosols
- analytical chemistry
Scientific profile:
- Email: alina.negru@uaic.ro
PhD Alina-Giorgiana Negru is a scientific research assistant at L1-CERNESIM-ICI and she obtained the PhD in Chemistry, in 2019, at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania. PhD Alina-Giorgiana Negru’s research interests are related to atmospheric aerosols and analytical chemistry. The research directions focus on performing field atmospheric measurements (collecting aerosol samples, monitoring gaseous compounds and meteorological parameters), performing chemical speciation analyses (ion chromatography, inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry), using specific models and software tools (ISORROPIA-II, PARGAN, HYSPLIT) and apportioning of emission sources that determine the chemical composition of aerosol particles. Assessing the human health risks associated with atmospheric particulate matter is another interest research area to PhD Alina-Giorgiana Negru.