Scientific Researcher III dr. Irina Chiriac

Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Areas of expertise:

Scientific profile:


Irina Chiriac is a scientific researcher at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Department, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. After studying Economics and a master’s degree in Accounting, Expertise and Audit, obtains the title of doctor in Accounting with the thesis Analysis of the impact of the merger on the financial position and performance of absorbing companies and becomes project director of postdoctoral research Study on the evolution of mergers and acquisitions in the current economic context, grant POSDRU. Signs studies and articles in international and national scientific journals. The research results were disseminated through participation in international conferences in Lisbon, Seville, Istanbul, Barcelona, Prague, Bucharest, Constanta and Iasi. She is an associate university professor in the Department of Accounting, Economic Informatics and Statistics, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași and project director Grant UAIC, code GI-UAIC-2018-05, 2019-2021, https: //icfaiasi.wordpress .com /.