Senior Principal Researcher I PhD habil. Mariana Neamţu
Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences
Areas of expertise:
- development of ecological water treatment methods
- synthesis of nanomaterials
Scientific profile:
- Email: mariana.neamtu@uaic.ro
The main research interests include photooxidation reactions and mechanistic studies of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) applied to the treatment of wastewater, monitoring of the persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and also focused on the development of analytical strategies for the analysis of important micropollutants. The research studies she is conducting nowadays are mainly in designing and synthesis of innovative nanomaterials with photocatalytic properties for efficient mineralization of POPs in waters, using advanced oxidation processes. The active collaboration with local and international research teams possessing high and complementary expertise in the field, makes further possible the complete characterization of the manufactured nanomaterials, as well as the accessing and utilization of new technologies and equipment for the achievement of my research goals.