Scientific Researcher II PHD Ciprian Jeler
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Areas of interest:
- multilevel natural selection
- the different accounts of natural selection
- the relationship between continental philosophy and the theory of natural selection
- societal promises of modern philosophy and their social repercussions
- philosophical views on violence
Scientific profile:
- ORCID : http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0541-9196
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ro/citations?user=b6_ru2YAAAAJ&hl=ro
- Email: ciprian.jeler@uaic.ro
Ciprian Jeler is a Researcher at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Department (Institute for Interdisciplinary Research) of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi. He is a philosopher and his main recent research interests include analytic philosophy of biology (mainly multilevel selection theory, the various conceptualizations of natural selection and the central notions pertaining to these conceptualizations, such as those of “environment”, “population”, “fitness”, “chance”), the relationship between continental philosophy and the theory of natural selection, the phenomenology of violence, as well as the societal promises made by modern continental philosophy. He has a PhD in Philosophy from the universities “Charles-de-Gaulle” – Lille III and “Al. I. Cuza” of Iaşi. Before beginning his academic carrier, he worked as an editor for several years.
He has published in journals such as Biology & Philosophy, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Biological Theory, Acta Biotheoretica and Human Studies.