ONGOING Research projects
Scientific Researcher II PhD Iustinian Gabriel BEJAN
Title: Effect of NOx on atmospheric oxidation of aromatic compounds initiated by OH radicals [NaOH]
Project code: PN-IV-P8- 8.3-PM-ROFR-2024- 0178
Brancusi Mobility Consortium: Romania - ICI-CERNESIM, UAIC, IASI,
Franta - Institut de Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivité et Environnement, UPR3021, CNRS, ORLEANS
Running period: 2024-2025
Financing contract: 5BMFR din 10/09/2024
Scientific Researcher PhD Casandra-Mihaela BRAȘOVEANU
Title: O abordare interdisciplinară în cercetarea necropolelor tumulare și a relației acestora cu așezările din perioada târzie a Epocii Bronzului
Project code: GI-UAIC-2022-01
Total amount: 50 000 RON
Running period: 03.01.2023 - 31.12.2024
Scientific Researcher III PhD BUDACĂ-DRAGOMIR Isabela-Ștefania
Title: Optimizing the nanopore sequencing method: discrimination of amino acids from the primary structure of some peptides with a macrodipole structure
Project code: GI-UAIC-2023-01
Total amount: 50 000 RON
Running period: 03.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
Scientific Researcher II PhD Corina CIOBANAȘU
Title: New cell penetrating peptides to study interaction of cell membrane receptors with ligands for dual targeted cancer therapy
Project code: PN-IV-P1-PCE-2023-0678
Financing contract: PCE8/03.01.2025
Running period: 03.01.2025 – 31.12.2027
Scientific Researcher PhD Ana DROB
Title: The multiple analysis of the archaeological materiality in the Eastern Carpathian area (Romania)
Project code: GI-UAIC-2023-03
Total amount: 50 000 RON
Running period: 03.01.2024-31.12.2025
Scientific Researcher PhD Ioana-Cristina GERBER
Title: Atmospheric pressure plasma liquid treatment and life science applications
Project code: GI-UAIC-2023-04
Total amount: 50 000 RON
Running period: 03.01.2024-31.12.2025
Scientific Researcher PhD Iulian GHERGHEL
Title: Effects of large herbivore introductions on aquatic ecological communities
Project code: GI-UAIC-2022-07
Total amount: 50 000 RON
Running period: 03.01.2023-31.12.2024
Senior Researcher II PhD Ana-Maria GÎNSAC
Title: „Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World” (PRAYTICIPATE), COST Action CA23143
Running period: 19.09.2024 – 18.09.2028
Senior Researcher III PhD Nadejda HORCHIDAN
Title: Piezoelectric ceramic-polymer composites: From rigid to flexible – towards all-in-one hybrid solutions for energy harvesting applications
Project code: PN-IV-P2-2.1-TE-2023-1488
Financing contract: 25TE/08.01.2025
Running period: 08.01.2025-31.12.2026
Site web:
Scientific Researcher III PhD Florica MĂȚĂU
Title: COST Action CA19131 - Europe Through Textiles: Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities (EuroWeb), membru în Comitetul Managerial, UAIC-insituție națională coordonatoare (2020-2024)|Name:overview
Senior Researcher II PhD Simona MITROIU
Title: Decolonize this Memory: Cultural Forms of Dealing with the Soviet Legacy in the Republic of Moldova and Romania (DecMem: MDandRO)
Project code: PN-IV-P8-8.3-ROMD-2023-0178
Running period: 2024-2026
Site web:
Scientific Researcher I PhD Mariana NEAMȚU
Title: Design and development of novel photocromic materials based on spiropyrans for micropollutants removal
Project code: PN-IV-P1-PCE-2023-0303
Financing contract: 52PCE din 03/01/2025
Running period: 3.01.2025-31.12.2027
Site web:
Scientific Researcher PhD Alina-Giorgiana NEGRU
Title: Studies under simulated atmospheric conditions on the photochemical degradation of biogenic volatile organic compounds involved in the aerosol formation processes
Project code: GI-UAIC-2022-04
Total amount: 50 000 RON
Running period: 03.01.2023-31.12.2024
Scientific Researcher I PhD Roxana PATRAȘ
Title: AMIS (Advanced Metadata Intelligent System)
Project code: no. 101129751
Running period November 2024 - November 2026
Total amount: 250,000.00 €
In a consortium consisting of:
Organisation: Consortium-HN ARIANE de l’infrastructure Huma-Num MSHS Poitiers (UAR3565)
Main Contact Person: Prof. Fatiha Idmhand
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – MSHS Poitiers (UAR3565)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN
University of Lyon, Consortium-HN ARIANE
University of Verona, ITALY
University “AL. I. Cuza”, Iasi, ROMANIA
The Consortium Partners receive funding from the European Union for OSCARS under Grant Agreement no. 101129751 and the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research Infrastructures (2023-2024) (“Grant Agreement")
Scientific Researcher III PhD Roxana STRUNGARU-JIJIE
Title: Assessment of microplastics contamination in aquatic ecosystems and their removal by advanced oxidation processes
Project code: PN-IV-P2-2.1-TE-2023-0258
Financing contract: 38TE/2025
Running period: 08/01/2025 - 31/12/2026
Site web:
Scientific Researcher II PhD Adrian Felix TENCARIU
Title: Prehistoric centres of pottery production and distribution? An integrated strategy of studying an ancient craft (acronym POTCRAFT)
Project code: PN-IV-P1-PCE-2023-0040
Financing contract: 36PCE ⁄ 03.01.2025
Running period: 03/01/2025 - 31/12/2027
Scientific Researcher III PhD Simona-Roxana ULMAN
Title: Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience (SHiFT)
Project code: Cost Action CA21166
Running period: 26.09.2022- 25.09.2026
Website:, membru în Comitetul Managerial, UAIC - instituție națională