Scientific Researcher PHD ANA HONCU

Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, ARHEOINVEST Center

Areas of expertise:

Scientific profile:


Dr. Ana Honcu is a research scientist/archaeologist specializing in epigraphic research and Roman social history. Her PhD thesis focused on the edilitary phenomenon in the provinces of Dacia and Moesia Inferior and was published in 2022. During the Erasmus mobility period (February-June 2016), she carried out research activities in the laboratories of the Center for the Study of Greco-Roman Antiquity – Anhima, (Paris, France). With the support of an ATLAS FMSH postdoctoral fellowship ATLAS FMSH in September-October 2021, she undertook a project research on the edilitary phenomena in Greek cities on the northern Black Sea coast (Olbia and Chersonessos). Currently, Ana Honcu’s research is focused on the application of ArcGIS in epigraphy. For this, she held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Babeș-Bolyai University (September-October 2022). In August-October 2023, she carried out a postdoctoral mobility internship in Paris, funded by the Romanian Cultural Institute through the Lucian Blaga scholarship, an opportunity that complemented her knowledge on the subject. From July 2023 to June 2024, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (Humanities Department). She has been actively involved in two research projects (CNCS Project PN-III-ID-ID-PCE-0271/2017 and CNCS PN-III-ID-ID-PCE-2020-0383).

The international visibility of her scientific contribution is confirmed by publications in ISI, SCOPUS and indexed journals, volumes published in international publishing houses and participations in important international scientific events.