Scientific Researcher III Liviu Petcu
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Areas of expertise:
- Theology and Patristic Spirituality
- Christian Latinity and the problem of the relationships between language and religion in the Patristic period
- The language of Saint Augustin and his theories on the linguistic sign
- To be or to have a body? A study on the importance of the integrity of the human body in the North-Eastern region of Romania
- Spirituality and meaning in the sufferings of the ill people affected by the new Coronavirus SARS-COV-2
Scientific profile:
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Liviu Petcu is a PhD Researcher at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Department, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iași, he has been active and involved since 01.10.2020. Between 2009-2020, he has been a researcher inside the Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Stăniloae” from Iași. He has done research, published, and taught in several domains, including Early Christianity, Orthodox Spirituality, Fathers of the Church, Classical Languages, Religion and Ancient Philosophy. He authored, co-authored and (co)edited several books and he published many studies in several prestigious journals in Romania and other countries. He obtained his PhD in Theology and Patristic Theology at the Faculty of Theology from Sibiu, and he also has a PhD in Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy from Iași. In June 2021, he will defend the PhD thesis in Classical languages, the University of Bucharest. He benefitted from research scholarships from the Universities of Rome, Konstanz and Oxford. Between 1 June 2014 – 31 October 2015, he has been a post-PhD researcher having a scholarship from the Romanian Academy, Iași Headquarters, inside the project ‟Innovation and development in the structuring and representation of knowledge through PhD and post-PhD scholarships”. He was a member in several research and innovation projects.