Scientific Researcher III dr. Laura Pricop
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Areas of expertise:
- Ethics
- Philosophy of Medicine
- Philosophy of Communication
- Problematology
- Logic and Argumentation
Scientific profile:
- Email: laura.pricop@uaic.ro
Laura Pricop has a PhD in Philosophy (2011) and she is scientific researcher III at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Department, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. Her research is grounded in ethics, problematology and in philosophy of communication. Her research analyses rationality structures in ethics and communication in the public sphere including doctor-patient communication. Furthermore, her research concerns philosophy of science and philosophy of medicine. She studies the epistemology of interdisciplinary research using interdisciplinary communication through methodological scaffolding, to find solutions that enable the integration of epistemic resources in various disciplines.
She is a science communication manager of the international research network COST/ CA16211/RECAST (2017-2021). Furthermore, starting 2019 worked as expert evaluator – H2020-MSCA-IF, Research Executive Agency, European Commission. She also served as expert evaluator MSCA-COFUND (2020). Currently, she is an editor for Open Philosophy and deputy editor of the Bulletin of Integrative Psychiatry.