Senior Researcher III Emanuel Grosu
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Research areas:
- cultural memory, ethics and social epistemology: traditions, cultural-religious memory, mentalities
- medieval Latin literature: translation and hermeneutics
- echoes of the Middle Ages: the transmission and reinterpretation of the values of Antiquity
- medieval Latin - Latin paleography
Scientific profile:
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Emanuel Grosu, PhD in Classical Philology (2011), is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Department, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi. He is author of talks presented at national and international conferences, translator and editor of the following books/book chapters: Anselm de Canterbury, De ce s-a făcut Dumnezeu om (Polirom, 1997); Marco Polo, Cartea lui Marco Polo, zis şi Milionul, cetățean al Veneției, în care se istorisesc minunățiile lumii (Humanitas, 2004); Paulus Diaconus, Istoria longobarzilor (Polirom, 2011); Toma d’Aquino, Summa Theologica, Ia, qq. 27-34, IIae IIae, qq. 51-60 (Polirom, 2009, 2016); Anonymous, Călătoria Sfântului abate Brendan (Polirom, 2018); Dungalus Reclusus, Scrisoarea către Carol cel Mare despre dubla eclipsă de Soare din anul 810 (”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Press, 2020). Co-editor of the PHSS Proceedings (2014-2018).