Scientific Researcher III Andrei Constantin Sălăvăstru
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Directions of expertise:
- history of political thought
- late medieval history
- early modern history
- Email: andrei.salavastru@uaic.ro
Dr. Andrei Constantin Sălăvăstru is a Scientific Researcher III at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Department, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, at the University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” from Iasi. His research focuses on early modern England and France, and more specifically on the (approximate) period 1450-1610. His publications include the book Representations and Political Significations of the Disease in the Early Modern Era: England between 1470 and 1610 („Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Press”, Iassy 2012). His many articles have covered topics related to the issue of corporal analogies in early modern political thought, in particular in Tudor England, with a focus on the metaphorical concepts of „political disease” and „political physician”. His current interest revolves around the ideology of power and propaganda in the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598), with a focus on the issues of tyranny, resistance and tyrannicide in in the political literature of the period.