Senior Researcher II dr. Simona Mitroiu
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Areas of expertise:
- Life writing and alternative narratives in East-Central Europe
- Cultural memory
- Ethics and social activism
- Cultural productions and women’s self-expression
- Trauma and resilience in autobiographical writings
- Memory discourse in post-socialism
Scientific profile:
- Email: simona.mitroiu@uaic.ro
Simona Mitroiu, Ph.D. is Senior Researcher at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania. She is the editor of the volume Life Writing and Politics of Memory in Eastern Europe (Palgrave MacMillan, 2015) and Women’s Narratives and Postmemory of Displacement in Central and Eastern Europe (Palgrave MacMillan, 2018). She is also the author of two books and several papers in international journals, including Canadian Slavonic Papers, Slavonica, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity and European Legacy: Towards New Paradigms. She coordinated as Principal Investigator several national grants and she has extensive expertise as evaluator, being involved as expert in national and international research grants programs. Her research focuses on memory, life writing, alternative narratives and cultural expressions, post-socialist re-interpretations of the past and gender studies in East-Central Europe.