Research Assistent Radu Ștefan Balaur
Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, ARHEOINVEST Center
Areas of expertise:
- prehistoric archaeology
- social archaeology
- geophysics
Scientific profile:
- Email: stefan.balaur@uaic.ro
Drd. Balaur Radu Ștefan is a research assistant at ICI, in the field of prehistoric archeology. Beginner archaeologist (according to the Register of Professional Archaeologists from Romania), the main objective is related to the interdisciplinary research of the Cucuteni culture. His research is oriented towards identifying social issues within prehistoric communities. Regarding non-invasive detection techniques, he is trained in the use of equipment for measuring the electrical resistance of the soil. The results of the research activity are reflected in articles, book chapters, participation in national and international conferences. He was also involved in organizing scientific conferences.